Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Grandma Gayle in the kitchen

This is from summer in Florida. Jupiter got mad at me and x'd the drawing but then forgave me and did a lovely coloring job.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Fun times after watching Avatar: The Last Airbender

We are so hooked on this show.

Guest artist, Justice Johnson

Look at this beautiful, expressive drawing of our family. The tall one is mama. That's Jupiter int he rainbow dress, and James and Justice right below her. That little baby in the picture, is of course, baby Popi.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A short game of frisbee in Golden Gate Park

Actually the game didn't last beyond this discussion. But we did chase the soccer ball around, Justice holding my hand while we ran, chasing Jupiter with the ball and laughing. Popi and James played frisbee without the complication of who would get to be shagger, and James turned out to be really good at it. I think frisbee might just be his sport.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Halloween Night

After that to-do with the unicorn costume and after trick-or-treating, the real fun came sitting ont he steps, eating candy and waiting for trick-or-treaters to come to our house.

Eating Pizza at Escape from New York on Haight Street.

Poor Jupiter couldn't even finish her root beer. It turns out she had a fever so I took her home and we watched Snow Buddies. Popi took James and Justice to the playground.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Steph and Adam eating oysters on a date in New York City!

Grandma Pat reads Halloween books.

On this trip Grandma Pat brought some wonderful Halloween books that were a big hit all around.

See the bloody hand prints on the window behind? Some of the many creepy decorations for Halloween James bought with his own money at Walgreens.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jupiter's Kindergarten class goes on a hay ride.

We went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch and on the hay ride, all of the kids sang songs Ms. Diane had taught them, complete with hand gestures. There's Lemya and Mattie and Eric.

Justice loves drawing animals

Monday, November 16, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

At Koret Children's Playground

That day I had to climb to the top of the wave to get Justice down. Shoka and Toma's mom, Meyumi helped me--I lowered crying Justice down to her. I grumbled and bitched the whole time about breaking a leg again.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Justice at acrosports this past spring.

James teaches Justice more karate.

Grandpa teaches Jupiter and Justice about gardening.

This was from this summer and for some reason it took me a long time to ink--maybe I lost it for awhile or something. But it was such a typical day in Stuart, walking around the yard with Grandpa, checking out the citrus, looking for lizards...

Snake School, drawing by James Johnson

In this snake school drawing, the little snakes are learning how to count thunder and how long it is before the storm comes.

James and cousin Emma watch Marvel fight scenes together.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

James teaches Justice karate.

This was in the spring when James was taking his karate classes, after having watched The Karate Kid for movie night. He's not going to karate anymore, since the Sensei started using our credit card like an ATM machine.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

James's 7th birthday

There was a haunted house theme. James drew this.

Anya and Justice playdate

That's Justice dressed as a dragon and Anya as a princess, wondering where the sparkle shoes are. When Jupiter found out that Justice had a playdate with Anya while Jupiter was away at kindergarten, there was a lot of punishment meted out.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jupiter's first day of kindergarten!

There's Jupiter standing next to Sadie, with Teague on the end. See her new pink converse?

James spots Justice

It was the Sunday before the first day of school and we went to Grattan Elementary playground.

James is always so sweet, looking after his younger sisters.

Justice in the kitchen

Monday, September 21, 2009

James and Jupiter give a hair cut to a werewolf.

Luckily, when James first bought the werewolf, last Halloween, (with his own money) he decided to buy two werewolves. Just in case one got lost. As for Jupiter, she's getting herself in ready for kindergarten with a little roll playing.

Jupiter tells a very sad story to Mama.

It's easier to read the words if you click on it.